
I am Prachi, I am a Computer Engineering student, and this is my portfolio website, scroll right to find more about me!

About Me:

I am an undergraduate studying Computer engineering at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar. I am interested in web development and an enthusiast for Data Science and Machine Learning. I have also worked on some projects, scroll right and have a look at my projects.

Instagram clone:

I am currently working on a project in which I am creating a web app have similar features of popular social networking site instagram. For frontend frameworks used are html, css, js and for backend frameworks used are Nodejs, express and mongodb. Still working on it's responsiveness.

Place Your Startup:

It is a web app made using html, css, js, json, php. It showcases your startup and its features. User can connect, register, place their startup, get reviews from other users, and get publicity for their startup. It was a college group project for web technology subject.

Page Replacement Algorithms:

It is a website showcasing different page replacement algorithms and balady's anomaly in operating system. you can try different examples on the link given bellow. It was a college group project for operating system subject.

Song recommendation system:

Made a Java app for college group project, It is a song recommendation system which can recommend you songs based on your search or based on your interest, and it can drive you to youtube version of individual song.

